This giveaway is open worldwide, so everyone is welcome to join in. Because it’s a celebration, this Blog Candy posting will remain above any/all new daily postings until the deadline of this giveaway (to read any/all new daily postings, please continue scrolling downward). Entries will be accepted up until Saturday, Nov. 22 @ 5:00pm (Hawaii time). Winner will be announced on Sunday, Nov. 23.
Here’s what I have for the special winner:
~6 pc.- Unmounted Wooden Stamp set (SU Polka Dots & Paisley)
~36 sheets (1 pad) of 8 x 8 DS paper (TAC)
~20 sheets of 8.5 x 5.5 Colored Stock paper (scored & color varies)
~10 sheets of 8.5 x 5.5 White Stock paper (scored)
~10 sheets of 5.5 x 4.25 Colored Stock paper
~10 sheets of 5.5 x 4.25 Colored Embossed Stock paper (CB Embossed)
~5 sheets of 5.5 x 4.25 White Stock paper
~5 sheets of 5.5 x 4.25 White Embossed Stock paper (CB Embossed)
~12 yards of ribbon (6 different styles/colors, 2 yards each)
~16 yards of Fizz Yarn (4 different styles/colors, 4 yards each)
~3 large Flowers
~6 medium Flowers
~56 small Flowers
~8 small containers of Beads (3 grams ea./color varies, by Making Memories)
~8 Charmed Phrases (Making Memories)
~6/4” Round Coasters (TAC)
1). Sign my “Guestbook” with a message to include your name, city, state/country and the phrase… “Candy, candy, candy”. and…
2). Leave a comment at THIS post (including your email address, so that I can contact you). and…
3). Link my Candy to your blog (if you have one).
That’s it for now. Thanks again to all of you, for taking this journey with me. For blessing me with such kind comments and inspiring me, over these last two weeks. I appreciate you! As always…thanks for stopping by and God Bless!
Hi Rina, Amazing candy my e-mail
Will be linking to your candy as well.
Many thanks Caroline x
OMGoodness!!! SOOOO Much Goodies, AND your products are soo neatly lined up and ORGANIZED!!!
Congrats My Dear... I am sooo proud of how quickly you are getting around (I mean that in a good way!!)
You Rock Rina!! This is the most amazing blog candy !! I just can't even believe all you have included! I also can't beieve how many hits you have had already!! (Congrats) That is because you have a witty sense of humour and really super awesome, gorgeous cards!! Thank you for sharing them! I have signed your guestbook, and also put a link on my blog!
Oh my godness. This candy is wonderful :)!
I really want to have a chance :)!
I love the pictzres I saw on this blog until now.
I have signed your guestbook and will put a link to my blog :)!
Congrats on your hits Rina! Great candy! Good luck to everyone! xo, teri
its hyz2praze with a shout out to the best "candy" I've seen thus far! I can certainly use this yummy candies sugar free, zero calories and yet lots and lots of fun! consider yourself LINKED!
Hi Rina,
what a great candy.
Thanks for the chance to winn this.
I made a link on the right side of my blog.
Have a nice Sunday,
xoxo Karin
What beautiful blog candy Rina, i am ggoing to link you to my blog right this minute! hugs Linda x
wow !!!!!!
Me again... just wanted to let you know that I've posted a post about your goodies... but don't count me in on the giveaway - just giving the peeps a heads up!!
Aloha rina xx
thanks for popping by my blog,and leaving me a lovly comment xx
would love the chance of this fab candy,off to link you and sign you book. here is my email
thanks clare xxx
Fab candy hun, thanks for letting me be in with a chance of winning! Have linked you on my blog. My email is
Goodluck everyone :) xx
Gorgeous candy, many thanks for the chance to win this. I'm off now to put a link on my blog. Michele x
Ooops forgot to put up my email which is
Hi Rina wow wonderful amazing candy I would love to go into your draw I have put a link on the side of my blog my e-mail is thanks for the chance to win candy candy candy!!!!
Wow. What awesome candy... I also love your blog background. It is too cool.
Wow congrats on your hits dear. I know that is just an awesome feeling. I have checked your blog out while here dear and just love it so many gorgeous cards and images. I have signed your guestbook and linked you to my blog Here
Hi Rina
I have signed your guest book, linked your blog candy on my blog and am also stalking - er following you! Fantastic candy - Wow! Sure hope I win!
Thanks for a chance at some awesome blog candy! Love the blog!
stampindeva [at] bellsouth [dot] net.
Hi Rina, lovely blog candy!
You have a great blog! Just going to put a link on my blog. My email addy is
Wow how fast you are growing with those numbers. Oh of course it is because you have some great bella cards and yes candy, candy, candy!
Sorry no blog just pass word of keyboard!
Denise W
Wow! Rina, you surely know how to share your talent and your goods!! :) I think that you are a very happy person, and like to spread the joy!! Thanks for the chance for this awesome candy! It would be Christmas earlier than usual to win this!! :)
I have signed your guestbook, hugs from Malta :0)
Great job!! Cograts!!
I will be linking you
Amazing! Congrats!!!
I did all 3 requests ;)
xoxo, margie
What a wonderful candy, Rina! You are so generous! I have signed your guestbook, and will be linking to your candy right now:)
My email:
Have a great week!
Hugs from Norway
I have posted to your blog on my blog
Thanks for the great blog candy! It rocks!!!
I linked you up to my blog!!
Awesome blog!!! Thank you for entering me!!
writter1969 at hughes dot net
Awesome accomplishment -congratulations - and great candy, candy, candy. Gave it a shout out here:
wow great candy! I have just signed ur guestbook and had linked you on my blog. xxx
Congratulations on your 1000 hits, thanks for celebrating with us! Yummy Candy!!! Don't have a blog but love your creations. thanks!!!
Wow what goodies.. Very nice site.. Love the background..
What a huge, fantastic blogg-candy! I would really love to win this one! I've signed me up in your guestbook, and I've written about your candy in my blog - right here!
Have a nice week!
Congrats on all your hits in such a short time!!! Woohoo for you!!!
Awesome candy you have there!!!
I've signed your guest book,will post your candy on my blog!!
Thanks for a chance at this wonderful candy!!!
Congrats on all the hits and also on a wonderful blog! I linked you here:
Thanks! ~chris
Candy candy candy. Aloha from rainy England. Your blog is stunning and the candy is fab. You are very talented. My email is hugs, Clare
Wow, what a fabulous candy! Congratulations on the hits - may it be 100 times more! :)
I'm spreading the info here
Wow what breathtaking blog candy Rina! That would be amazing to win. I love your blog and always look forward to a new post.
Congrats on reaching 1000 hits! I discovered your blog while I was checking out Jen's blog...which I discovered while browsing Teri's blog. WOW...great blog candy...hope I win! I signed your guestbook...hope I did it correctly. Congrats again!
You have a wonderful blog! I've linked your candy at The Paper Freak.
awesome blog candy and so much. I love the paper from TAC. I've linked your blog candy to
Hey Rina! Great blog candy! I'm linked! E-mail address is Thanks!!
What awesome blog candy, thanks for the change to win it. Hugs n' stuff, Lynne
WoW now this is some awesome celebration candy you are sharing with your readers. Congrats on your hits!!! Love your creative style and all your projects are so inspiring. Here is the link I posted your blog candy to:
Thanks for a chance at this FUN candy.
Congrats on your hits Rina. I have got to say this is a huge prize. I have listed your blog candy on my blog here:
WOW!! That is some giveaway! You are very generous!! Congrats on all your hits! Love your blog!
Going to link you right now!
Thanks for a chance!
Hugs, Melissa
Congrats on your hits! Super sweet candy, I've spread the word here
have a blessed week
Wow! Gorgeous candy! Congrats on your hits! I've blogged:
bunnybx at gmail . com
love Your blog and Your candy :) have a nice time with crafting. With bless. Karolina
what a great candy and fab blog.
Thanks for the chance to win this.
I have put a link on the right side of my blog.
Mel x
awesome candy chickie! You are already linked on the right side of my site!!
Wow, LOVE all the goodies you have up for grabs :)! Thanks for this chance to win these goodies :), have added this to my blog:
Great blog and super candy ; )
Greetings from Poland ; )
Your blog is amazing. I found you through chris...and she was are amazing. I love your work.
You've done amazing things in just one week ... congrats on all of the visitors .... I hope to be the LUCKY visitor!!
Your work is fabulous! Happy crafting! email is
Aloha Rina!
Congrats on the hits in such a short time! Jen Young sent me over to you, so Mahalo Jen!
Candy, Candy, Candy, yum, yum!!!!
Gina Wrona
Hey Rina...CONGRATULATIONS on your 1,000 hits! awesome blog candy giveaway! that is so much stuff!! you have so many comments and amazing followers! good-luck to everyone who plays!!
Wowsa, love this candy candy candy!
Found this through a post over at AMR. Amazing!
Thanks for the chance to win this amazing "candy" indeed. What a doll you are!
Melissa @
Amazing stuff. I have no blog, but I will add a link on my meetup scrapbooking site.
msceejay2000 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Wow this is an incredible blog candy. Congrats!!!
I will add this to my blog tomorrow when I update!! Thanks
I signed your guest book!!! Great blog, I just found you and have added you to my Google Reader.
sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on your 1000th hit!
Thanks for giving us the chance to win this awesome RAK!
marcia.livingston @ gmail dot com
Holy Toledo - that many hits in a week - good for you!! Loving the card shares that you have posted - you do incredible work!
Heading to your Guestbook to say Candy, candy, candy, and leave my name (Judi) and addy!
Don't have a blog but home to say day!
Wow! That's a lot of hits in a short amount of time! Awesome! What a fabulous give-awat! Thanks for the chance!
Love the site! keep on blogging girl!
Very nice blog, and great Candy, Candy, Candy!
Your cards are the cutest things I have ever seen. You do an amazing job.
I from Poland.
Congrats on your hits!
Very nice candy blog ;]
hey rina! you go girl!!! sorry i haven't checked it out's been really crazy for me!!...but i have to say, for someone who said, they didn't want to do it and was a skeptic...damn girl! looks like you got it going on!...hahaha...congrats on your blog! looks awesome! ttyl!
Great hits! Aweomse candy! Signed your guestbook :) And posted at
Thank you for the chance!!!
Congrats on your hits!
Thats a great Candy.
Hugs Sonja
Congrats on your hits! That candy is great.
Michelle M
Congrats on the hits. Thanks for offering me a chance to win the blog candy.
You have an awesome blog.
Oops! forgot to give you my e-mail address in my previous commnet.
It is
Congratulations on the hits! I've signed your guestbook and here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Congrats...and wish you many more!..signed the guest book and all other that was to be done...nice blog candy btw...pick me pick me..that never works but always worth a try..hehehe
Congratulations on 1000 hits! That's lots! I signed your guestbook!
Congrats! on your hits, I have signed your guest book, awesome candy .
Hugs Cathy
awesome blog candy and love your cards, i have added myself to your following, and my email address is
Congrats on your hits Rina and thanks for the chance to win your fab blog candy :)
Hugs Val xxx
Congrats on your hits. You have an awesome blog. Thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy.
Wow....this is some serious candy Rina! You are way to generous!!! Thank you for the chance Rina:)
p.s. I will announce you candy celebration tomorrow morning:)
Just posted your blog candy link! Count me in for your drawing. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you sharing your faith and inspirational art.
I just found your blog. You do awesome work. I would love to be included in a chance at your blog candy.
Wow! What scrumptious candy! I linked to your blog from Risa's and I am so glad I did. Your creations are amazing, I need to spend some time browsing around! Thanks for sharing your artwork, congrats on your 1000+hits and thank you for such an awesome opportunity! Be Blessed!~Barb
Great talent. Love your cards. Thanks for the chance for blog candy. Sorry, I don't have a blog. God Bless you! Keep up the great work.
Congrats on your hits :):)
Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize :)
I have linked you here
Wow zee and congrats, such an accomplishment in such a short time.
No blog yet but I'm shouting candy,candy,candy from Livonia, Michigan.
I linked you up! Thanks for the chance to win! You can reach me at sairabee at yahoo dot com when I win. LOL! :)
I love your site! Congratulations on your hits! That's awesome! Thank you for the chance to win your blog candy!
Congratulations on the hits!!
my blog:
I just found your blog. looks great! What fabulous candy! Thanks for the chance!
Flowers and Fibers and Ribbons, Oh my!!!
I've NEVER seen such an awesome, beauty-packed Blog Candy give away since I've started blogging!!
BTW.....I love your blog. It's so organized and set up so nicely. ;-)
I'll put a link to your candy on my blog:
Have a marvelous weekend!!!
Get some ink on your fingers... :-)
Flowers and Fibers and Ribbons, Oh my!!!
I've NEVER seen such an awesome, beauty-packed Blog Candy give away since I've started blogging!!
BTW.....I love your blog. It's so organized and set up so nicely. ;-)
I'll put a link to your candy on my blog:
Have a marvelous weekend!!!
Get some ink on your fingers... :-)
This is my first visit here from 'My Scrappin' & Stampin'Den' and I'll be marking you in my favorites, you have such cute cards. Thanks for the opportunity for your awesome blog candy.
Oh my gosh, what a great blog you have! I love the sweet blog candy you are so generously giving away! How exciting! I will be back to visit often cuz' I just subscibed. Thank you for sharing your cards and your sweet spirit with us!
Wow! Congratulations on your awesome new blog adventure! It is really inspiring and a blog I will sub to. Thank you for the chance to learn something here, and maybe win something too!
Wow, in just one week? That is great! Congrats!
Congratulations on all your hits. You have a great blog, great candy. I have left a link on my blog. Good Luck everybody.
Debs xx
Awesome giveaway! Here's keeping my fingers crossed -- good luck everyone. :)
Wow, Rina! It looks more like 2000 hits! Congratulations! Well, it's not surprising. . .you've got a great blog with awesome creative cards!
Thank you for offering such a generous blog candy! The winner will surely be happy! Hint! LOL!!
Well keep up the wonderful blog!! I look forward to seeing more awesome creations by you!!
My email is
This is more like a candy buffet, I've never seen so much blog candy. Congradulations of your success, but I can see why. Now if I can get all that candy, candy, candy to Columbus, Ohio, I'll be a happy Buckeye!
Genie = my email is
Candy, Candy, Candy.... Love the offer of blog candy, and your blog too! I'm from Lafayette,Indiana and my email is: so I love Yahoo too! Congrats to you on the visits!
Congratulations, what an amazing accomplishment and what wonderful, wonderful, blog candy. Keep up the good work.
congrats on your blog milestone..
its a beautiful site...
i would love to win this prize..
candy.. candy.. candy.. who doesent love candy :)
Cogratulations! Great candy, thanks for the chance to win it. I posted about you on my blog and I´m off to sign your guestbook. Oh, and my e-mail:
x Natasha x
I've written about your candy on my blog:
my address is:
I'll write in your guestbook if I can find it, lol.
Thanks for offering this fab candy. I will have my own too soon...
Congratulations on hitting over 1000 posts in your first week! This is wonderful blog candy!
I posted a link on my blog here:
I'm also going to sign the guestbook right now.
Thanks for this wonderful blog candy offer!
Hi. I signed your guestbook. I can't believe what incredible blog candy you're offering. It makes me cry little scrapbook tears.
Congrats on you 1K hits in 1 week! That is awesome!
Also, Thanks for offering such cool candy! Hugs, Dannette
Your work is really good.
Love the blog candy!
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